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5 Tips to Eliminate Excessive Spending

The truth is that many Americans are addicted to spending money and don't know it. They frequent shops, malls, online market places, and anywhere else a "good deal" can be found. Some even believe that they are saving money by only spending at "sales" or when they have coupons. Becoming rich isn't about coupons. It is about spending wisely. Shopping addicts believe online couponing is saving them money when in fact most people would not have ever gone to the establishment had they not bought a coupon for it. If you consider yourself a shopping addict or just want to find ways to cut your spending, consider these tips.

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1.Avoid shopping triggers. I know people that have to spend money every time they go to the mall. The flood of people, beautiful clothes, and endless colors is just too much stimulation. It creates a sense of euphoria that promotes spending. The cure is to stop going to the mall. Remove the trigger. If you are frequently buying online coupons, end your membership or at least cancel the daily emails. Find out what causes spending, and stay as far away from that trigger as possible.

2.Find a constructive outlet for your energy. Many people shop because they have nothing else planned to accomplish. That is a problem, but it can be an easy fix. Every one has goals, dreams, and hopes, but few people are actively attempting to accomplish those aspirations. If you shop to relax from a stressful job, start a fun part-time business that brings you enjoyment. Maybe the business will become profitable enough to where you can quit your stressful full-time job in the future. I know someone who got a job working on the sidelines at college football games. He loved watching football anyway, and he found a way to get paid for it. Can you get paid for doing something you enjoy?

3.Try something new. Many shoppers enjoy the feeling of retail therapy because shopping is always a little different. There is always new clothes and new people to "people watch". The key is finding new stimulating experiences to replace the void of shopping. It could be kayaking, hiking, biking, concerts, art fairs, woodworking, rock climbing,painting, or even taking a new class at a local community college. Is there anything you haven't tried that sounds fun?

4.Make new friends. Another big reason for spending is peer pressure or otherwise known as keeping up with the joneses. Do you have friends that love to spend money or maybe just friends that have more disposable income? Some people love to have the newest style of clothes,but do fancy clothes provide any benefit? A recent article says that men love women who wear sweat pants, jeans, tank tops, and simple dresses.Men wouldn't know the latest style of clothes from something bought at a department store, and if given the knowledge of brands,they usually prefer the girl wearing department store clothes. Department store clothing says a girl is carefree, frugal, and relaxed, so while women are dressing to impress other women, they are actually making themselves LESS desirable to men. Making new friends that are more frugal and that wear cheaper clothing may make your wallet and your love life happier.

5.Don't eliminate credit cards. People are always looking for an easy way out, and many people believe canceling credit cards is the answer to overspending. It's not. Credit cards help to build your credit score, and in the future, you will probably want to use your credit to purchase a house, car, or something else. A good credit score can greatly decrease the monthly payments on future loans, so unless you have excessive amounts of credit cards, don't cancel them.

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Notes - Cheers Ivory. I'm sure you are tremendously busy. Appreciate your taking some time.

Posted in Financial Services Post Date 05/25/2017




